Monday 25 December 2017

How to Find High Tech Work at Home Jobs

How to Find High Tech Work at Home Jobs.
Tips to Find and Get Hired to a High Tech Telecommuting Job.

How to Find a Work-At-Home Job.

The good news is that telecommuting options, especially in the technical field, abound and continue to grow. However, if in your search, you're not finding these jobs, it means you're looking in the wrong places.
It's unfortunate that when most people decide to work-at-home, they begin their search by trying to find an option they can sign-up for starting today. This, of course, leads to increased chances of finding scams or getting involved in work-at-home schemes that don't interest you. 

The Work-At-Home Proposal.

First, it's much easier to turn a traditional job into a work-at-home position, than finding and getting hired to a telecommuting job.
So, if you're currently working in a job, consider researching the viability of turning it into a telecommuting position and preparing a work-at-home proposal to present to your employer. The key aspect to focus on isn't how badly you need the flexibility to work-at-home, but instead, how your working at home can benefit your employees, such as increased productivity or reduced stress on office resources.

Finding Work-At-Home Jobs.

If your boss says, "no," your next step is to find a work-at-home job. Start by listing all the jobs you're experienced and qualified to do. Don't think just in terms of job titles, but in duties as well. 
This version of your resume will be generic, but you'll want to tailor it to each job you find in your search to make it stand out to employers even more. 
Once you know what you have to offer an employer and a resume to tweak, it's time to start searching for work. 
The main job site for tech jobs is To search Dice:
1.      Visit the site.
2.      Search your city (i.e. New York) and keyword telecommute.
3.      Scroll through the list of options. Read carefully as some may say, "no telecommute."
4.      You'll need to register with Dice to submit your resume. 
Note, that many of these jobs will be regular employment including a salary and benefits, while some might be contract jobs. While contract jobs can be good paying and steady, there are differences between telecommuting employment and contract work

Other High Tech Work-At-Home Options.

If you're still not finding a job that suits you, consider freelancing. There are a number of freelancing sites that have a high number of tech gigs that allow you to work from home. bought several of them such as RentACoder and VWorker. You can also try UpWork (formally Elance and ODesk).
A final option is to start a home business offering your tech services.

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