Monday 25 December 2017

Organize Your Office for Maximum Productivity

Organize Your Office for Maximum Productivity.
5 Tips to Design an Office That Helps You Work Efficiently and Effectively.

Recent research suggests that a messy desk is a sign of creativity and doesn’t necessarily impact productivity. On the other hand, for some, messiness on the outside is representative of what’s going on on the inside. The truth is organization isn’t about neat piles and a label for everything. It’s about setting up your officein a way that allows for productivity and doesn’t hinder work, whether that means a messy or clean desk.
Here are five tips for organizing your home office to maximize productivity.

1. Manage Clutter.

Note that you don’t have to avoid clutter completely. Messiness can actually be stimulating for some workers. At the same time, you want some organization to the clutter to avoid wasting time looking for materials you need. If you are oriented towards clutter, find a way to make it work for you. For example, have paper piles with a purpose. Instead of multiple piles of various items, have one pile for bills, another for invoices, and another for reading, etc. They’re still piled and a bit messy, but now you at least know which pile to start with if you’re looking for a specific type of paper.

2. Keep Needed Items Close By.

Searching for items or having to get up to get something wastes time. If there’s something you need to use frequently, keep it within reaching distance to where you work. This may include a phone, reference books, planner, files, mailing supplies, printer, etc. If you have many items you need to keep near, you might need a bigger desk. Or you use a U-shaped set up with a desk or a desk and tables so you simply need to swivel around to get what you need.
Anything that you don’t use on a daily basis or several times a week doesn’t need to be on your desk or near your work area. You can store those items in other areas of your office.

3. Be Comfortable.

Nothing can impact productivity more than discomfort. If your back hurts or you have eye strain, you won’t want to work. A quality desk chair and well-lit office are crucial to your comfort and health. Ideally, your office should have natural light, but also adequate artificial light to avoid eye strain when it’s dark out. Adjust your chair or computer monitor so you’re looking straight ahead, not up or down, to avoid neck and back issues.
Because sitting so long can be detrimental to your health, consider getting a standing desk, or an adjustable shelf for your monitor so you can sit or stand.

4. Have a Routine and Schedule and Change Them Sometimes.

Routines become habits that allow you to move through actions without having to put a lot of thought into it. Schedules ensure you’re getting things done on time. These time management strategies help with focus and productivity. For example, I work through the same items in the same order nearly every morning. I don’t have to think about it, I just sit and do them.
The problem with routines and schedules is that they can become ruts and stifle creativity. When your routine and schedule start to make you feel sluggish or uninspired, change them up.

5. Surround Yourself With What Delights or Inspires You.

You’ve left a drab cubicle to run your own home business. Now there are no rules about whether or not you can have personal pictures or a plant on your desk.
In fact, you can maximize your energy and productivity by decorating your office in a way that brings you joy or inspiration. Considering painting your office in a color you like. Hang pictures or posters that inspire or motivate you. Use decorative office tools and supplies, such as colorful files. I love the beach, so I have a shelf with a beach setting that includes a mini-palm tree, a coconut cup, and shells.
Productivity and motivation don't just have to come from sheer will. You can encourage and inspire it through your surroundings. To maximize your home business success, purposefully organize and decorate your office in a way that helps you be your best.

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