Monday 18 December 2017

Turn Your Knowledge Into a Consulting Business.

Turn Your Knowledge Into a Consulting

1. Get Paid to Share Your Expertise.
Consulting differs from coaching, which is another way to help others with your
expertise. Consulting is usually focused on a business or group, although individuals
sometimes seek consultants. Consulting usually involves assessing an issue and preparing
a solution with a focus on processes. In most cases, after an explanation and assistance in
implementing the solution, the consultant’s work is done.
Coaching is more often done one-on- one, focusing on building a client’s personal
strengths. Similar to counseling, a coach is usually involved regularly (i.e. weekly) over a
period of time until the client has met their goals.
While you can turn any bit of knowledge into a consulting business, here a few of the
best industries to consider now.
2. Career Consultant.
When the economy is down, the need for career consulting grows. But even in good
economies, many people, from recent college grads to baby boomers looking for a new
retirement career can benefit from a career specialist. A career consultant does many
things including assess the clients’ needs, prepare resumes, cover letters and other career-
related documents, coach interviewing skills, assist in job search, recommend training
and more.
3. Leadership/Team Building Consultant.
Businesses are all about the bottom line, so they want employees who are efficient and
work together toward the good of the company. But many businesses have policies and
people that get in the way of productivity. A leadership and team building consultant
works with management to give them skills that inspire those that work under them,
including problem-solving and decision-making skills, building trust and rapport,
creating a supportive work environment, and more.
4. Marketing Consultant.
Marketing is the key to business success. But many businesses, especially home-based
and small businesses, often don’t have the background in sales and marketing, or
understanding of the psychology of getting people to pay attention and buy. A marketing
consultant assesses the current marketing plan and strategies of a business, and then

makes recommendations on how to increase results with more effective messages and/or
5. Organization/Efficiency Consultant.
If time is money, then inefficient use of time means wasting money. Knowing this, many
businesses hire consultants to assess how the business is running in an effort to find ways
to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Some things they look at include available
resources and how well they're utilized, how the business is structured, and how to best
maximize the skills and experience of the people involved in the organization.
6. Other Types of Consulting.
The options listed in the previous sections focus on business consulting because it offers
the most opportunity and best pay. However, many other types of consulting exist. In
fact, many individuals hire consultants to help them in everyday life.
7. Designing Your Own Consulting Career.
Still don’t see something you’re an expert at that you can turn into a consulting practice.
The truth is, there are many different types of consulting practices, and odds are you can
turn your knowledge or passion into a consulting business.
Make a list of what you are good at. Are you a social worker with marriage or parenting
training? Consider starting a relationship or parenting consulting business. Can you buy a
week’s worth of groceries for a few bucks? Start a coupon or frugal living consulting
Once you know your expertise and how you can use it to help others, you’ll want to
do market research to determine if there are people who are willing to pay you for your
Along with consulting, there are other ways to turn your expertise into profits,
including coaching, blogging, information products, writing, speaking, and more.

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